The Chair of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships (Charter: oversees all the CAMWS subcommittees on awards and scholarships and chairs the Steering Committee consisting of all the chairs of these subcommittees. The Chair also serves ex officio as a member of the CAMWS Executive Committee (Charter: Most of the business of the Executive Committee (EC) is conducted on line and all members are expected to participate fully in electronic conversations about issues and to cast votes promptly. The Executive Committee also traditionally meets on the Wednesday preceding the annual meeting.


Upon appointment, the Chair should

  1. Read the Steering Committee Charter:   
  2. Become familiar with the 8 subcommittees and their jurisdictions
  3. After the new president has nominated the new subcommittee chairs get in touch with the chairs via
  4. Promptly communicate with the subcommittee chairs when the E.C. asks for an opinion or a vote that concerns the Steering Committee

Schedule of Duties for the Steering Committee Chair:


Solicit names for the Special Service Award by

  1. Communicating with the Local Committee for the annual meeting and encourage them to submit names for the Special Award
  2. Consulting with the Secretary-Treasurer of CAMWS and members of the Steering Committee.


  1. Communicate with the subcommittee chairs setting the deadline for their annual reports and asking them to share the names of the awards winners before they are published (this has the purpose of avoiding giving multiple awards to the same person)


  1. Send the name(s) of the Special Award nominees to all the chairs and ask for their approval. (NB There is no limit to the number of awardees.)
  2. Ask the people who nominated the person(s) for the special award to write a citation for the nominee.
  3. Remind the chairs about the deadline of their report and offer assistance. Ask the subcommittee chairs if they will attend the CAMWS meeting. If they will not be at the meeting, ask them to designate a committee member to deliver the report at the business meeting on Saturday morning.


  1. Collect all reports and prepare a comprehensive document
  2. Gather the information that has been reported and create a summary to share with the EC. Include a summary of activities and recommendations

At the Annual Meeting 

  1. Attend the EC committee meeting, traditionally on Wed. p.m. and present the recommendations
  2. Attend the CAMWS committee luncheon. Meet with the members of the 8 subcommittee that attend. Guide the discussion around the recommendation. Ask for issues or problems that have surfaced.
  3. Reserve a table(s) at the Friday Banquet for any Special Award recipients who are able to attend (and their guests)
  4. Make an oral report to the membership at the annual Business Meeting and fill in for the subcommittees that do not have representatives


  1. Pay membership dues promptly and keep an eye on the website to see that the changes suggested are recorded.


Always refer to the Secretary-Treasurer for questions and advice.

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