CAMWS State/Provincial Vice-Presidents have four major areas of responsibility. First, as representatives of CAMWS in their state, they are responsible for handling its day-to-day business at the local level. Second, they work closely with their Regional Vice-President on CPL. Third, they actively and creatively promote membership in the organization. Fourth, they help to circulate information about and encourage applications for CAMWS awards. Each of these areas of responsibility is outlined below.


Overseen by the Secretary-TreasurerCPL chairchair of the Membership Committee, and the President.


State/Provincial Vice-Presidents are appointed by the CAMWS President. The normal term of office is three years and can be extended. State/Provincial Vice-Presidents who wish to step down before the end of their term are expected to give written notification to the Secretary- Treasurer well before the annual meeting in order to  ensure a smooth transition. State or provincial Classical organizations are encouraged to become involved in the recruitment of State/Provincial Vice-Presidents for CAMWS and to submit nominations to the Secretary- Treasurer of CAMWS for official appointment by the CAMWS President.


The State/Provincial Vice-President should make every effort to attend the CAMWS annual meeting and to participate in the joint Vice-Presidents’ meeting, during which policies, goals, and strategies are discussed for the upcoming year. This is the best and most reasonable venue for State/Provincial Vice-Presidents to meet with CAMWS officers, other State/Provincial Vice- Presidents, and Regional Vice-Presidents and to gain new ideas and enthusiasm for the work ahead. Vice Presidents are expected to come to this meeting prepared to report briefly on their regions activities and to be ready to discuss strategies for advancing CAMWS and the discipline of classics.


State/Provincial Vice-Presidents may be called upon to assist with special projects of CAMWS and to promote the work of other standing committees. Each State/Provincial Vice-President is expected to maintain close contact and act as a liaison with his or her state or provincial Classical organization.

Expenses such as postage related to the responsibilities of the State/Provincial Vice-President can be reimbursed through the CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer.

Overseen by the Chair of CPL


State/Provincial Vice-Presidents are CPL’s official representatives in their states and regions. As such, the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents are expected to encourage instructors of Latin in their areas to submit proposals for Caristia Grants and Bridge Initiative Grants to the CPL. They also gather information about the state of the Classics in their state or province and serve as vital resources in the creation of new Latin programs and the preservation of old ones. State/Provincial Vice-Presidents are responsible for promoting interest in all CAMWS scholarships, prizes, and awards.  See List of Promotional Flyers for CAMWS VPs.


The State/Provincial Vice-Presidents act as the first step in screening the funding requests (Caristia GrantBridge Initiative GrantCAMWS Travel Grant For High School Groups) submitted to the CPL. The State/Provincial Vice- Presidents are asked to reply promptly when contacted by the Chair of CPL in regard to a funding request. The funding procedure is posted at


As representatives of CPL, the State/Provincial Vice-Presidents encourage promotional activities in their states. Money is available from CPL to help fund these activities, and it is the State/Provincial Vice-President’s responsibility to make this known to local schools and Classical organizations. A sample list of the types of activities that CPL has funded can be found at It should be remembered that CPL is always interested in new and innovative projects. Funding is generally available if the activity is aimed primarily at starting new Latin programs or publicizing existing ones. Publicity in local newspapers is especially sought; the aim should be to reach as many people as possible. It is the responsibility of the Vice-President to insure that there is at least one request for CPL funds from his or her state or province annually. State/Provincial Vice-Presidents should be aware of promotional materials available from CAMWS as well as from other organizations such as the American Classical LeagueNational Junior Classical League, and National Committee for Latin and Greek. Vice-Presidents may find it helpful to distribute such materials to CAMWS members in their state or province.


The State/Provincial Vice-Presidents are responsible for making Latin teachers in their states or provinces aware of CPL’s existence and for getting CPL materials into their hands. The most efficient way to do this is to set up an email list. Vice-Presidents also receive information each year on CAMWS awards, scholarships, and opportunities for funding. This material should be distributed through the appropriate channels (email and CAMWS state newsletter) to all Latin teachers in the area. Where no state-level CAMWS newsletter exists, the State/Provincial Vice- President should take special care to email local teachers at least 2-3 times per school year. Vice- Presidents should also make every attempt to attend annual meetings of state Classical organizations and to promote CAMWS at these events.


CAMWS State/Provincial Vice-Presidents should keep close track of the status of Latin programs in their individual states or provinces. When new programs are being considered, the Vice-Presidents are expected (and thus should be proactive and ready) to provide invaluable advice and counsel, make CPL promotional materials available, and even suggest funding sources such as CPL grants. The Vice-President should also work through CPL to generate letters of support for threatened programs.


In states with no regular placement service, the CAMWS State/Provincial Vice-President is the de facto contact for job placement ad should take on this responsibility or communicate regularly with any other indiviudal in the state/province who may be acting in this capacity. In most cases all that is necessary is the referral of the inquiry to the ACL Teacher Placement Service. This aspect of the job should be undertaken soberly, with an awareness that not merely does the flourishing and legacy of classical learning depend on this undertaking but also does the very survival of our discipline.


Each year, State/Provincial Vice-Presidents are contacted by their Regional Vice-President and reminded to submit a full report on activities that have occurred in their states or provinces that year. Information on membership and scholarship activities should be included in this report. This material, in turn, is used by the Regional Vice-President in producing a regional annual report. These reports are submitted to the CPL Chair and become part of the CPL report to the Executive Committee of CAMWS and other members at the CAMWS annual meeting. The regional annual reports are made available to the public on the CPL website. For guidelines about writing an annual report, see the CPL Handbook.

Overseen by the Chair of the Membership Committee


State/Provincial Vice-Presidents are responsible for recruiting membership to CAMWS in their states or provinces. This includes soliciting new members and urging lapsed members back into the fold.  Each year, generally in the autumn and again early in the new year, the Secretary- Treasurer and/or Chair of the Membership Committee of CAMWS sends updated membership lists to each State/Provincial Vice-President. The Vice-Presidents then use these lists to check on membership in their individual states or provinces. This may be done through direct mailing, telephone calls, notices and membership forms in the state Classical newsletter, or appearances at the annual meeting of the state Classical association.


CAMWS brochures and membership forms and other promotional materials are available on the CPL website at

Overseen by the Chair of the Steering Committee On Scholarships and Awards


The State/Provincial Vice-President is, above all else, the presence of CAMWS in each state or province. The demands of the office on the time of the person holding the position are not as great as they may seem. Much of the State/Provincial Vice-President’s work consists of answering letters of inquiry, telephoning, e-mailing, and submitting requests for money from CPL. These activities do not entail more than a few hours each month. Moreover, the State/Provincial Vice-President frequently represents someone whom everyone in the state or province can approach for information, referral, or help. Above all, the State/Provincial Vice-President must be an active presence, working hard to further the cause of Latin in all of our schools from the lowest grades through college / university.


Obtain from the state/provincial Classical organization or from the state/provincial JCL a mailing list of all teachers in the state or province.
Distribute mailing to all teachers in the state describing the goals of CPL, the availability of CPL funds, and including CAMWS membership information.
Promote the CAMWS School Awards Program (Latin Translation Contest).

Prepare a column or article for your state/provincial Classical newsletter on CPL activities, focusing on local CPL-sponsored events (if there are any). Promote CAMWS membership and the various CAMWS Awards and Scholarships

Attend state/provincial Classical and foreign language conferences when they are scheduled in the fall. Distribute CAMWS brochures, CPL promotional materials, and describe the benefits of CAMWS membership.

Contact former members of CAMWS who have not yet paid their dues for the current year. (List available from the Secretary-Treasurer.)

Compile information from your state/province to submit to your Regional Vice-President for inclusion in the regional report. Include activities for which CPL funding was given, membership and scholarship activities, and the general state of Classics in your locale. Submit your information by the deadline requested by your Regional Vice-President. With the help of the state/provincial Classical organization identify nominees for the CAMWS Teaching Awards, and the CAMWS Special Service Award.

Prepare a column or article for the state Classical newsletter on CPL activities, focusing on local CPL-sponsored events (in there are any).

Promote CAMWS membership and the CAMWS Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards as well as the many other CAMWS Awards and Scholarships.

Work with the local Classical organization to insure that your state/province has at least one nomination for a CPL award for the best promotional activity. (The deadline is typically February 28).

Make a final push for CPL projects to be funded during the current fiscal year. Begin thinking about possible projects for next year. Your appointment is for a three-year period and is renewable upon the decision of the CAMWS President. If you do not plan to continue in your post, submit your letter of resignation to the Secretary- Treasurer.

Attend the joint meeting for Regional and State/Provincial Vice-Presidents at the CAMWS annual meeting.

Work with the Regional Vice-President to prepare a list of goals and activities for next year.
Submit suggestions to the Chairs of CPL, the Membership Committee and the Steering Committee on Scholarships and Awards.

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