CAMWS Committee Charters

Executive Committee Charter
Strategic Planning  Committee Charter 
Program Committee  Charter       
Diversity and  Inclusion Charter    
Nominating Committee Charter
Resolutions Committee Charter
History Committee Charter
Finance Committee Charter
Merit Committee Charter
Committee for the Promotion of Latin and Greek (CPLG)

Subcommittee on Publications Charter
Steering Committee Charter
Subcommittee on the Semple, Grant and Benario Awards Charter
Subcommittee on the First Book Award Charter

Subcommittee School Awards Charter
Subcommittee on CAMWS Undergraduate Awards Charter
Subcommittee on the Manson A Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards Charter
Subcommittee on the Teaching Awards Charter
Subcommittee on the Excavation and Field School Awards Charter
Subcommittee on the Ladislaus J. Bolchazy Pedagogy Book Award Charter
Subcommittee on the CAMWS College Greek Exam

Subcommittee on the Anthony Fauci Award in STEM and Classics


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Executive Committee (the “EC”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (“the Association”)

I. Purpose 

The EC is the governing body of the Association and seeks to promote all its goals as defined by its Constitution: to advance classical scholarship and teaching, to foster appreciation of the classical world, and to promote the common interests of its members through meetings, publications, and other appropriate activities.

II. Membership  

Composition: In accordance with the Constitution, the EC consists of 11 ex-officio members and three members at-large. The ex-officio members of the EC include the President, President-Elect, immediate Past President, the editor of Classical Journal, the editor of the CAMWS Newsletter, the editor of Teaching Classical Languages, and the Secretary-Treasurer. The chairs of the following standing committees are also members of the EC: Membership, Finance, Committee for the Promotion of Latin, and Steering.  One at-large member is selected by vote of the full membership at the annual business meeting of the Association and serves a three-year term.

III. Meetings

The EC meets to conduct business in person at the Annual Meeting. Any necessary business between the meetings may be conducted electronically or at a meeting called by the President or a majority of the members of EC. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum for taking action.  Decisions of the EC shall be made by a majority vote of all members.

 IV. Duties and Responsibilities 

The EC has a wide range of responsibilities, since it oversees and coordinates the work of all the Association’s committees. The EC sets the Association’s policies where these are not specified by the Constitution, and considers any significant changes in how CAMWS conducts its work, especially where these have financial implications. The EC has fiduciary responsibility for the Association’s endowments. Advised by the Finance Committee and the Secretary-Treasurer, the EC authorizes spending on CAMWS’ grants and scholarships. The EC creates ad hoc committees as needed, and, subject to the vote of the membership at the Annual Business Meeting, can create new standing committees and merge or abolish existing ones. The EC appoints the editors of Classical Journal and Teaching Classical Languages, and approves the editors’ appointments to their editorial boards. The EC reviews and approves bids for the location of the Annual Meeting.

V. Amendment

The EC must approve amendments of this Charter.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 22, 2015.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Strategic Planning Committee (the “Committee”), a standing committee of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to oversee both the fundraising and the membership growth of the Association. It promotes the Association’s strategic numeric growth of all individual and institutional membership categories. The Committee also proposes, organizes, and carries out fundraising activities to strengthen the Association’s diverse initiatives. The Committee reports its activities, planning initiatives, and conclusions to the Executive Committee and, where relevant, other bodies within the organization.

II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall consist of at least five regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution. Each regular member shall serve for a term of three years, which may be renewed for an additional term.* In addition, given the Committee’s range of responsibilities, its membership shall include the Secretary-Treasurer, the CAMWS President, the past president, and the president-elect, all serving ex officio. The composition of the Strategic Planning Committee shall be reviewed annually in order to bring on new expertise and perspectives.

Chair: The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution (III.4), and shall normally serve as Committee Chair for a term of three years, which may extend the Chair’s regular term of service on the Committee beyond the two-term norm. A co-chair may be appointed by the CAMWS President. There is an expectation that the Chair will have prior experience on the Committee or other offices of the Association. In the start of the Chair’s third year, a Chair-elect to serve for one year shall be appointed by the CAMWS President, either from among the regular committee or from elsewhere in the organization. The Chair, working in full partnership with a co-chair (if appointed), shall be responsible to convene meetings, set agendas and communicate the Committee’s findings to the Executive Committee and other relevant officers and committees of the Association.

III. Meetings

Meetings shall be held regularly twice per year at six-month intervals or more frequently as dictated by the urgency of the issues at hand, as proposed by the Chair or recommended by members of the Committee. The regular mid-year meeting may normally use electronic teleconferencing media. During the Annual Meeting of the Association, an in-person meeting will be preferred (as circumstances allow). Members may make prior arrangements to attend that meeting by means of electronic media, if necessary. A majority of members (attending 2 synchronously and in-person or virtually) will suffice as a quorum for taking action on the agenda. The Committee may invite non-committee-members from the Association to participate in meetings for informational purposes on a non-voting basis.

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

Reports: The Committee shall report its activities annually at the meeting of the Executive Committee held prior to the Business Meeting of the Association. The written report shall consist of a careful analytic report on membership data and shall present information of forthcoming and completed initiatives for membership growth.

V. Amendment This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee May 2021.

*The initial committee appointments will be staggered so that of the initial appointees, two will be appointed for 3-year terms, two will be appointed for 2-year terms, and one will be appointed for a 1-year term. Each of these initial appointments may be renewed for an additional 3-year term.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Program Committee (the “Committee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to review all submissions of abstracts and proposals for the Program of the Annual Meeting, including proposals for panels and workshops as well as all abstracts for individual papers, during the fall preceding the Annual Meeting in the spring. The Committee reports its recommendations to the President, who organizes the accepted panels, workshops, and individual abstracts into the Program.

II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall consist of six to eight regular members, with broad representation from the various sub-fields of Classics, appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution. Each regular member shall serve for a term of three years. The President of the Association shall chair the Committee for a term of one year. In addition, the immediate Past-President and incoming President-Elect shall serve as members of the Committee ex officio. The Chair shall convene meetings, set agendas, and communicate the Committee’s findings as necessary to the Secretary-Treasurer and other relevant officers and committees of the Association.

III. Meetings

Meetings shall be held as often as its business requires, utilizing electronic media for communication. Decisions of the Committee shall be made by a majority vote of the members. A majority of members will suffice as a quorum for taking action on the agenda.

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

Review of Proposals for Panels and Workshops: Proposals for panels and workshops are received by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association at the end of August of each year. Once the Secretary-Treasurer has removed all identifying markers, the S-T sends all the proposals to the Chair of the Committee. The Chair of the Committee reads all proposals for panels and workshops. The Chair of the Committee shall send all proposals for panels and workshops to the Committee. The Chair shall set up a rating system to be used by the members of the Committee, and give any further instructions about the evaluation process as necessary. The deadline for submitting ratings for panels and workshops back to the Chair shall be no later than the end of September of that year. Based on the Committee’s ratings, the Chair will decide which panels and workshops will be included in the Program. The Chair may consult with the immediate past-President and/or President-Elect, as ex officio members of the Committee, during this stage of the process.

Review of Abstracts for Individual Papers: Abstracts for individual papers are received by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association at the end of September of each year. Once the Secretary-Treasurer has removed all identifying markers, the S-T sends the abstracts to the Chair of the Committee. The Chair of the Committee shall send a selection of abstracts to each member of the Committee based on that Committee member’s expertise. The Chair shall read all the abstracts for individual papers. Each abstract should have no fewer than three readers, with the Chair being the fourth. Abstracts submitted by undergraduate members of the Association will be evaluated separately and assigned to panels specific to them. The Chair shall set up a rating system to be used by the members of the Committee, and give any further instructions about the evaluation process as necessary. The deadline for submitting ratings for individual abstracts back to the Chair shall be no later than the end of October of that year. Based on the Committee’s ratings, the Chair will decide which individual papers will be included in the Program. The Chair may consult with the immediate past-President and/or President-Elect, as ex officio members of the Committee, during this stage of the process.

V. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 25, 2014.

Diversity and Inclusion Committee Charter

This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee (the “Committee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

Values Statement: The Association honors human diversity and acknowledges the extraordinary range of backgrounds, cultures, perspectives, work styles, education, professional rank, skills, and experiences that are integral to the advancement of Classical Studies in today’s world.

I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to promote diversity and inclusion in the Association and, more broadly, in Classical Studies and related academic fields.  As the Association strengthens and builds its programs, committees, and staff, it aspires to foster an inclusive culture welcoming of visible and invisible differences, including but not limited to age, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language differences, nationality, parental status, physical, mental, and developmental abilities, race, sexual orientation, skin color, socio-economic status, religious beliefs and human styles.

II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall normally consist of at least five members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years, which may be renewed for an additional term.  The composition, as of all committees, should be reviewed annually in order to bring on new expertise and perspectives. In the interest of insuring broad participation, membership on the committee is to reflect, as much as possible, the broad college/university and K-12 membership of the organization as a whole, including tenured, tenure-track, non-tenure track, adjunct college and university faculty, both public and private/parochial school K-12 teachers as well as those who for personal reasons will be unable to attend physical meetings.

Chair: The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution and shall normally serve for a term of three years, which may extend the Chair’s regular term of service on the Committee beyond the two-term norm.  There is an expectation that the Chair will have prior experience on the Committee or other offices of the Association and will serve for one year as Chair-Elect before assuming the chair.  The Chair shall convene meetings, set agendas, and communicate the Committee’s findings to the Executive Committee and other relevant officers and committees of the Association.

III. Meetings

Much of the business of the committee can be conducted by telephone conference calls or email on a schedule determined by the members of the Committee, but the committee shall meet at least one per year, at the Annual Meeting of the Association. A majority of members will suffice as a quorum for taking action on the agenda.  The Committee may invite non-committee-members from the Association to participate in meetings for informational purposes on a non-voting basis.

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

Oversight:  The Committee will regularly review and evaluate the Association’s commitment to diversity and inclusion and recommend to the Executive Committee any desirable changes in policies, practices, or organizational structure. In addition to examining data from the Association’s annual reports, the Committee may, in consultation with the Secretary-Treasurer and the Executive Committee, conduct its own surveys of the membership.

Promotion: The Committee will develop short- and long-term strategies to help the Association maintain its commitment to, and increase its support of, diversity and inclusion. In accordance with these strategies, the Committee may undertake initiatives throughout the year, including sponsorship of events such as panels, roundtables, and receptions during the Association’s Annual Meeting.

Reports: Each year, in advance of the Association’s Annual Meeting, the Committee shall prepare for the Executive Committee a report studying the state of diversity and inclusion in the Association and taking account of the Committee’s on-going strategic goals. This report may be accompanied by recommendations for actions to be undertaken by the Executive Committee or by other bodies within the organization. The President or Secretary-Treasurer may request that the Committee prepare such a report more frequently than once a year, as the situation warrants. The Committee shall also present a formal report to the membership at the annual Business Meeting.

V. Amendment

This Charter can be amended only with the approval of the Executive Committee.

This charter was approved by the CAMWS Executive Committee on October 23, 2019.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Nominating Committee (the “Committee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to propose nominees for the positions of President-Elect and Member-At-Large of the Executive Committee to stand for election at the Business Meeting of the Association at its regular Annual Meeting.  The Committee reports its recommendations to the President, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Executive Committee by January 31 of each year.  In addition, the Committee is charged with forwarding to the President-Elect by April 1 of each year nominations for committee vacancies to be filled by appointment.

II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall consist of six regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each regular member shall serve for a term of three years. In addition, the immediate Past-President shall serve as a member of the Committee ex officio and shall chair the Committee for a term of one year.  The Chair shall convene meetings, set agendas and communicate the Committee’s findings to the Executive Committee and other relevant officers and committees of the Association.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as a non-voting member of the Committee ex officio to advise the members about the eligibility of potential candidates and to provide any other relevant information.    

III. Meetings

Meetings shall be held as often as its business requires, utilizing electronic media for communication.   Decisions of the Committee shall be made by a majority vote of the members. A majority of members will suffice as a quorum for taking action on the agenda.

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

Solicitation of Nominations for Elected Offices: In September of each year, the Committee shall issue a call for nominations, including self-nominations, to the membership of the Association for the positions of President-Elect and Member-At-Large of the Executive Committee.   The deadline for submitting nominations will be November 15 of that year.  Members submitting nominations are responsible for ascertaining that the nominee would be willing to serve if selected.  The Committee’s final decision on nominees for vacancies will be made by a majority vote by the following January 31 on a motion proposed by the Chair of the Committee.

Solicitation of Nominations for Appointed Committee Memberships: In January of each year, the Committee shall issue a call for nominations, including self-nominations, to the membership of the Association for vacant positions on the Association’s appointed committees.  The deadline for submitting nominations will be March 15 of that year. Members submitting nominations are responsible for ascertaining that the nominee is willing to serve.  The Committee will forward to the President-Elect an annotated  list of any nominations received for each committee by the following April 1, as well as any nominations the Committee itself may propose.

V. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive  Committee on February 10, 2014.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Resolutions Committee (“Committee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (“CAMWS”).

I. Purpose

The Committee’s sole purpose is sale multo urbem defricere.  Put differently, the Committee shall, unless the gods or heroes prevent, draft and then present viva voce at the Annual Business Meeting of CAMWS a list of Resolutions for the assembled membership’s consideration and approval.  Said Resolutions shall be limited in neither topic nor scope, but range from the quotidian to Quintilian, touching upon the mores (and ancestry) of the Meeting’s sponsors, the intellectual and corporeal pleasures there afforded, relevant prodigia, other annalistic material, κτλ.  Whereas the Business Meeting occurs obscenely early on the last day of the Annual Meeting, all such Resolutions are to be edifying, entertaining, and resolute.  Αἰσχρολογία is optional.

II. Membership

The Committee shall ordinarily consist of six members, all of whom shall be personally extraordinary, rather than Ordinarii (unless the express written consent of Herb Benario be first obtained).  Minimum sentencing guidelines call for the President of CAMWS to appoint said six to staggered three-year terms.  Incorrigible punsters, palindromists, and other recidivists may be subject to summary reappointment. 

III. Governance

The Committee is governed by a Chair appointed from its ranks by the President of CAMWS.  The Chair shall strive to ensure that the Committee simultaneously:  worship Aristophanes as its Muse; recognize Plautus and Juvenal as its ἱεροποιοί; practice παρρησία; employ ostentatious subjunctives; and speak in iambs where appropriate.

IV. Meetings

The Committee is to be convened by its Chair at least once a year, ordinarily at the Annual Meeting of CAMWS, and preferably in caupona.  The primary purpose of this meeting is to draft the aforementioned Resolutions; tunc erit bibendum.

V. Amendment

This charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee of CAMWS. 

Adopted by the Executive Committee a.d. IV ID AUG, Scodele consule. 


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the History Committee (the “Committee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose   

The Committee is responsible for coordinating all activities related to preserving the historical records of the Association and to making them accessible to scholars as well as the general public. The Committee organizes and maintains all archival records of the Association and produces presentations or reports relevant to its history, including periodic supplements to the published history of the Association. The Committee also oversees the CAMWSCorps project, consisting of oral interviews of CAMWS members. The Committee may also sponsor occasional exhibits of memorabilia.

II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall consist of three regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution and serving staggered three-year terms. Each term may be renewed for an additional term.  Regular members of the Committee shall have demonstrated interest in the projects of the Committee and be willing to assume whole or partial responsibility for at least one of the Committee’s projects listed above (“Purpose”).  The Secretary-Treasurer shall be a member of the Committee ex officio.

Chair: The Chair of the Committee shall be the Association’s Historian, appointed to a three-year term in accordance with the Association’s constitution. The Chair shall convene meetings, set agendas, and report on the Committee’s activities to the Executive Committee and other relevant officers and committees of the Association.

III. Meetings  

Meetings shall be held at least once per year at the Annual Meeting of the Association. Members may be permitted to attend that meeting by means of electronic media, if necessary. A majority of members shall suffice as a quorum for taking action on the agenda.  The Committee may invite non-Committee members from the Association to participate in meetings for informational purposes on a non-voting basis.

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

1.  To organize and maintain the archives of the Association, both those preserved on paper and those preserved in digital formats.

2. To create and maintain an accurate and yearly record of Association members who have died.

3. To compile and publish periodically (e.g., every ten years) an historical record of the Association covering events, persons, and issues not already described in previous histories and supplements to histories of the Association and to sponsor exhibits of memorabilia.

V. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­May 30, 2014.
Revised April 11, 2018. 


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Finance Committee (the “Committee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to assist the Executive Committee in its oversight of the Association’s financial affairs, including the Association’s financial condition, financial planning, operational and capital budgeting and other significant financial matters involving the Association.  The Committee reports its findings and conclusions to the President, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Executive Committee and, where relevant, other bodies within the organization.

II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall consist of five regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each regular member shall serve for a term of three years, which may be renewed for an additional term. In addition the Secretary-Treasurer and the President shall serve as members of the Committee ex officio.  When appropriate, an outside financial expert may be asked to join the Committee as a non-voting member.  Composition of the Finance Committee, as of all committees, should be reviewed annually in order to bring on new expertise and perspectives.

Chair: The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall normally serve for a term of three years, which may extend the Chair’s regular term of service on the Committee beyond the two-term norm.  There is an expectation that the Chair will have prior experience on the Committee or other offices of the Association, and will serve for one year as Chair-Elect before assuming the chair.  The Chair shall convene meetings, set agendas and communicate the Committee’s findings to the Executive Committee and other relevant officers and committees of the Association.

III. Meetings

Meetings shall be held at least quarterly, utilizing electronic media as necessary, or more frequently as dictated by the urgency of the issues at hand, on a schedule determined by the members of the Committee.  In addition, the Committee shall hold at least one physical meeting per year at the Annual Meeting of the Association.  Members may be permitted to attend that meeting by means of electronic media, if necessary.  A majority of members will suffice as a quorum for taking action on the agenda.  The Committee may invite non-committee-members from the Association to participate in meetings for informational purposes on a non-voting basis.

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

Budgets: Before the start of the new fiscal year, the Committee will review and recommend to the Executive Committee for approval the annual operating budget for the Association prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer.  In addition, the Committee will review and recommend to the Executive Committee for approval any capital expenditures for the Association in excess of $2,000.

Reports: Each year in advance of the Association’s Annual Meeting the Committee will provide the Executive Committee with an analytic report on the Association’s finances, including, but not limited to, short-term cash management, and significant trends in short-term revenues and expenditures. This report may include recommendations for other committees of the Association, including, but not limited to, the Membership Committee regarding dues, the Development Committee regarding fundraising, or the Publications Committee regarding revenues and expenditures. The Committee shall respond to requests from the President or the Secretary-Treasurer for such reports at more frequent intervals, as the situation warrants.

Endowment: Each year in advance of the Association’s Annual Meeting the Committee will provide the Executive Committee with an analytic report on the performance of the Association’s invested funds.  The Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding the Association’s investments in its endowment fund, taking into consideration the Association’s short-term and long-term interests.  The Committee will consult with the Secretary-Treasurer and the President in making recommendations to the Executive Committee, and may utilize the advice of financial consultants as the Committee deems necessary or desirable.

General: The Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Committee to select or terminate the services of all outside financial advisors, banks, and investment firms.  Recommendations to the Executive Committee from other committees with potential financial implications will be reviewed by the Committee prior to action by the Executive Committee. The Committee shall perform any other duties and responsibilities as the Executive Committee shall deem necessary.

V. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 13, 2013.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Merit Committee (the “Committee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to identify members of the Association who have done extraordinary service on behalf of the Association and on behalf of the study of Classics in general.  The Committee’s principal role is to choose two or three worthy colleagues to be recognized publicly at the annual banquet with an Ovatio, delivered by the Association’s Orator.

II. Membership

The Committee shall consist of six regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each regular member shall serve for a term of three years, which may be renewed for one additional term.  There is an expectation that members of the Committee will be selected from those who have previously been awarded an Ovatio.  The Chair of the Committee will be the Association’s Orator, who serves a three-year term, renewable indefinitely at the discretion of the CAMWS President.

III. Meetings

Meetings shall be held utilizing electronic media as necessary, beginning in the early autumn, with the goal of finalizing its selections by the end of January.

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee will generate a list of names of colleagues it deems worthy to receive an Ovatio.  From that list, it will choose two or three recipients to be recognized publicly at the annual meeting.  Extraordinary service to the Association is the chief criterion for selection; outstanding teaching, service, and accomplishment in the field of Classics in general are also important criteria for selection.  Committee members may also be called upon to assist the Orator in compiling information and anecdotes about the individual recipients, to be included in the Ovationes.  The Ovationes of each year, delivered at the annual meeting and printed in a subsequent issue of Classical Journal, serve as the annual report of the Committee.

V. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except by approval of the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on September 22, 2014.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities governing the operations of the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and Greek (the “Committee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to encourage and support all activities that promote Classical Studies in any venue and at every educational level, with particular emphasis on the study of Latin and Greek. Its principal role is to increase public awareness of Classical Studies (1) by funding promotional activities at schools (K-12) and colleges/universities, (2) by supporting Classical Studies programs at all levels which are in crisis, and (3) by sponsoring CPLG panels and workshops at the annual meeting which focus on current issues related to the study of Latin and Greek, and Classical Studies in general. The Committee may also engage and work with other organizations (local, regional, or national) to promote and support the study of Latin and Greek; and The Chair of the Committee will work closely with the regional and state Vice-Presidents to support their efforts in promoting Latin and Greek. When requested the Committee will report its activities to the President, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Executive Committee and, where relevant, other bodies within the organization.

II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall consist of a chair and six regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution. Each regular member shall serve for a term of three years, which may be renewed for an additional term. Chair: The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution. The Chair shall normally serve for a term of three years. In some instances, the Chair’s term of service may follow the two-term norm for regular members. There is an expectation that the Chair will have prior experience on the Committee or other offices of the Association. The Chair shall convene meetings, set the agenda, and communicate the Committee’s work to the Executive Committee and other relevant officers and committees of the Association, as necessary. The Chair shall be a member of the Executive Committee.

III. Meetings

There shall be a meeting of the Committee at the Annual Meeting of the Association. Members shall make a good-faith effort to attend this meeting. Members may be permitted to attend this meeting by means of electronic media, if necessary. Additional meetings shall be held as necessary, either virtually or in person, to discuss relevant issues as they arise. A quorum for voting on the agenda will consist of at least four members of the Committee being in attendance, either virtually or in person. The Committee may invite non-Committee-members from the Association to participate in meetings for informational purposes on a non-voting basis.

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

CPLG Funding: The Chair will have direct responsibility for the CPLG budget. All funding requests will be routed through the Chair to the CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer. Each funding request may include input of the appropriate state- and regional vice president before it is approved or refused by the Chair. The Chair may consult with the members of the Committee about a particular funding request. The Chair will consult with the Committee about policies and requirements for funding requests. After consultation with the Secretary-Treasurer, the committee may make recommendations concerning changes in the CPLG budget or other related matters.

Awards: The members of the Committee will work with the Chair to select the recipient of the CPLG award for the best high school promotional activity, the outstanding state/regional Vice-President, and of any other CPLG award.

Reports: Each year, in advance of the Association’s Annual Meeting, the Committee will provide the Executive Committee with an annual report. The annual report summarizes the Committee’s budget expenditure and gives an overview of the activities and instruction of Latin and Greek, and Classical Studies in general, in CAMWS territory. This overview will be based on the 10 annual regional reports prepared by the regional CAMWS Vice-Presidents which will be included in the annual report of the Committee.

Activities: The members of the Committee will work with the Chair on producing a yearly agenda of goals and activities. To this end, the Chair will work closely with the Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee and the Secretary-Treasurer. The Committee shall organize at least one major CPLG event (e.g., a CPLG panel or workshop) for each annual meeting.

V. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on May 30, 2014.

Amended by CPLG Chair Garrett Jacobson and approved by the Executive Committee on August 4, 2021.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Publications Committee of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to serve as a standing advisory body to the Association for all matters related to its publications, and, on occasion, to publication in general in the field as a whole.  The various editors will coordinate their respective publications to best serve the needs of the Association, and will report to the Executive Committee and the members as a whole, as needed, about their activities.   

II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall consist of ex officio members: the President, the Immediate Past President, the editor of the Classical Journal, the editor of Teaching Classical Languages, the editor of the CAMWS Newsletter, the editor of Classical Journal Online, and the Secretary-Treasurer.  The CAMWS President shall serve ex-officio as chair of this sub-committee.

III. Meetings

Meetings shall be held as necessary, either virtually or in person, to discuss relevant issues as they arise. 

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

Beyond the duties of the various editors in their respective roles, the committee will aid the Association in assessing trends in the publication of academic journals and newsletters and making recommendations about the publication, delivery, accessibility, and finances of the Association publications.  It will also work with other committees, as needed to communicate the ongoing business of the Association with its members. 

V. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 19, 2014.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Publications Committee of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Committee’s purpose is to serve as a standing advisory body to the Association for all matters related to its publications, and, on occasion, to publication in general in the field as a whole.  The various editors will coordinate their respective publications to best serve the needs of the Association, and will report to the Executive Committee and the members as a whole, as needed, about their activities.   

II. Membership

Composition: The Committee shall consist of ex officio members: the President, the Immediate Past President, the editor of the Classical Journal, the editor of Teaching Classical Languages, the editor of the CAMWS Newsletter, the editor of Classical Journal Online, and the Secretary-Treasurer.  The CAMWS President shall serve ex-officio as chair of this sub-committee.

III. Meetings

Meetings shall be held as necessary, either virtually or in person, to discuss relevant issues as they arise. 

IV. Duties and Responsibilities

Beyond the duties of the various editors in their respective roles, the committee will aid the Association in assessing trends in the publication of academic journals and newsletters and making recommendations about the publication, delivery, accessibility, and finances of the Association publications.  It will also work with other committees, as needed to communicate the ongoing business of the Association with its members. 

V. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 19, 2014.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the CAMWS Summer Travel Awards (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to establish and maintain guidelines for nominations for the CAMWS Grant, Semple and Benario Awards; to solicit nominations for the annual competition; and to evaluate submissions and determine the winner. 

II. Membership and Meetings

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of five regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years.  No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.

Chair: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall normally serve for a term of one year, which may be renewed for up to three years, and as a consequence may extend the Chair’s regular term of service on the Committee.

Meetings: The business of the Subcommittee will normally be conducted over electronic media.

III. Duties and Responsibilities

Guidelines: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for establishing guidelines governing the submission of nominations for the Awards.  These guidelines shall be consistent with the following provisions:

  • An individual who wins a Semple Award or a Grant Award may not receive a Benario Award in the same year.
  • No winner may hold any of the three awards (Semple, Grant and Benario) in conjunction with another external award geared specifically and exclusively towards expenses of chosen summer program.
  • The winner of any of the three awards (Semple, Grant or Benario) shall be a member of the Association in good standing in the year of application.
  • Applications shall be sent to the Chair of the Subcommittee prior to the published deadline and shall consist of an application in electronic or paper (to be sent by mail) format by and affirming the applicant’s eligibility for the award. This includes completion in full of all information requested on the application form and three letters of recommendation. Recommenders should be able to speak to/for the applicant’s scholarly, pedagogical abilities (where applicable) and appropriate fit for attendance and participation at requested  program.

Solicitation: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing its guidelines on the Association’s website or wherever else it deems appropriate for the purpose of soliciting nominations for the annual competition.

Judging: The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winner of the annual award.  The Subcommittee will endeavor to determine the winner by consensus, but in the absence of a consensus will decide the winner by a simple majority vote.

Reports: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of the annual competition to the Executive Committee and the Secretary-Treasurer at least six weeks prior to the Association’s annual meeting. The award will be presented by the Chair of the Subcommittee or another member delegated by the Chair at the Association’s annual meeting.

IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 25, 2014.

On January 22, 2020, at the request of the Subcommittee, the CAMWS Executive Committee voted to change the name of this Subcommittee from Semple, Grant and Benario Awards to CAMWS Summer Travel Awards.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the First Book Award (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to establish and maintain guidelines for nominations for the CAMWS First Book Award; to solicit nominations for the annual competition; and to evaluate submissions and determine the winner.

II. Membership and Meetings

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of five regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years.  No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.

Chair: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall normally serve for a term of one year, which may be renewed for up to three years, and as a consequence may extend the Chair’s regular term of service on the Committee. 

Qualifications: There is an expectation that the Chair and members of the Subcommittee will have a record of scholarly accomplishment commensurate with the standards and expectations of the award.

Meetings: The business of the Subcommittee will normally be conducted over electronic media. 

III. Duties and Responsibilities

Guidelines: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for establishing guidelines governing the submission of nominations for the Award.  These guidelines shall be consistent with the following provisions:

  • The award shall be for publication of a first scholarly book or monograph (or the digital equivalent) by a member of the Association in the field of classical studies broadly defined including, but at the Subcommittee’s discretion not limited to, the languages, literatures, history, religions, philosophy, art, architecture, archaeology, economy, and reception of Greek and Roman antiquity.  The recipient will normally be an early career scholar who has published the work within a reasonable period following the terminal degree.
  • Textbooks, anthologies, or works of a pedagogical nature will not be considered for this award, but should be submitted to the Subcommittee on the Bolchazy Award.  In cases where the eligibility of a nomination is in doubt, the Chairs of the two Subcommittees shall adjudicate.
  • The author of the nominated work shall be a member of the Association in good standing in the year of the nomination and for at least the previous year.
  • Nominations shall be sent to the Chair of the Subcommittee prior to the published deadline and shall consist of a letter of nomination affirming the author’s eligibility for the award and affirming that copies of the publication will be supplied for each Committee member.
  • Nominations may be made by any publisher or by any member of CAMWS in good standing, including the author.
  • Nominations will be accepted for works that have been published within three years prior to the announcement of the award (e.g., the competition for the 2015 award will include books published in 2012, 2013 and 2014).
  • The Subcommittee may, at its sole discretion, retain an unsuccessful nomination for consideration in the following year.

Solicitation: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing its guidelines on the Association’s website or wherever else it deems appropriate for the purpose of soliciting nominations for the annual competition.

Judging: The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winner of the annual award.  The Subcommittee will endeavor to determine the winner by consensus, but in the absence of a consensus will decide the winner by a simple majority vote.

Reports: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of the annual competition to the Executive Committee and the Secretary-Treasurer at least six weeks prior to the Association’s annual meeting.  The Chair of the Subcommittee shall also be responsible for preparing a citation to accompany the award.  The award will be presented by the Chair of the Subcommittee or another member delegated by the Chair at the Association’s annual meeting.

IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 13, 2013.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities, and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the CAMWS Latin Translation Exam (referred to herein as the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (referred to herein as the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purposes are as follows:

1)  To determine the text of the annual CAMWS Latin Translation Exam;
2) To evaluate the entries of this exam; and
3) To submit a list of winning students to the CAMWS Secretary-Treasurer

II. Membership and Meetings

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of six regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years.

Chair: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall serve for a term of three years.

Meetings: The business of the Subcommittee will normally be conducted electronically.

III. Duties and Responsibilities

Solicitation: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing its guidelines for the Latin Translation Exam on the Association’s website or wherever else it deems appropriate for the purpose of soliciting entries for the annual competition.

Judging: The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winners of the Latin Translation Exam.

Reports: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of the Latin Translation Exam to the Secretary-Treasurer no later than two months after the close of the competition.

IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 25, 2014.

On June 15, 2015, the Executive Committee made the following change (marked in bold) to this charter:

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of a minimum of six regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years.

On January 22, 2020, at the request of the Subcommittee, the CAMWS Executive Committee voted to change the name of this Subcommittee from School Awards to CAMWS Latin Translation Exam.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the Manson A. Stewart Award (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to establish and maintain guidelines for nominations for the CAMWS Manson A. Stewart Scholarships; to solicit nominations for the annual competition; and to evaluate submissions and determine the winner(s). 

II. Membership and Meetings

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of five or six regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years. No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.

Chair: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall serve for a term of three years, which cannot be renewed. Subcommittee members shall be eligible for appointment, provided that they do not exceed two terms consecutively.

Meetings: The business of the Subcommittee shall normally be conducted over electronic media.

III. Duties and Responsibilities

Guidelines: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for establishing guidelines governing the submission of nominations for the Awards. These guidelines shall be consistent with the following provisions: 

  • The nominators of a Manson A. Stewart Award shall be members of the Association in good standing in the year of application.
  • Applications shall be sent to the Chair of the Subcommittee prior to the deadline published on the Association website.
  • Complete applications shall consist of at least an application form, an essay, a university transcript, and letter(s) of recommendation.
  • The recommenders shall affirm the applicant’s eligibility for the scholarship and speak of the applicant’s scholarly ability. The applicant and/or recommender shall indicate plans after graduation.

Solicitation: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing its guidelines on the Association website or wherever else it deems appropriate for the purpose of soliciting nominations for the annual competition. The guidelines shall be published three months in advance of the date of submission.

Judging: The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winners of the Manson A. Stewart Award. The Subcommittee shall establish the criteria to rank the applicants. The Subcommittee shall review and agree upon the criteria annually before the date of submission. The Subcommittee shall endeavor to determine the rankings of the applicants by consensus. If there is no consensus, the Subcommittee shall decide by a simple majority vote.

Reports: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of the annual competition to the Executive Committee and the Secretary Treasurer at least six weeks prior to the Association’s annual meeting. The scholarships shall be presented by the Chair of the Subcommittee or another member delegated by the Chair at the Association’s annual meeting.

IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on  July 11, 2014.

On Sept. 14, 2014, the Executive Committee voted to change the Manson A. Stewart Scholarship to an Award.

On October 20, 2015 the Executive Committee voted to add to the responsibilities of this committee awarding Faculty-Student Collaborative Research Grants.

On June 30, 2018 the Executive Committee voted to change the name of the Subcommittee to the CAMWS Undergraduate Awards Committee.


 This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to establish and maintain guidelines for nominations for

the CAMWS Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards; to solicit nominations for the annual competition; and to evaluate submissions and determine the winner(s).

II. Membership and Meetings

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of five or six regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years. No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.

Chair: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall serve for a term of three years, which cannot be renewed. Subcommittee members shall be eligible for appointment, provided that they do not exceed two terms consecutively.

Meetings: The business of the Subcommittee shall normally be conducted over electronic media.

III. Duties and Responsibilities

Guidelines: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for establishing guidelines governing the submission of nominations for the Awards. These guidelines shall be consistent with the following provisions:

  • The nominators of a Manson A. Stewart Scholarship shall be members of the Association in good standing in the year of application.
  • Applications shall be sent to the Chair of the Subcommittee prior to the deadline published on the Association website.
  • Complete applications shall consist of at least an application form, a personal statement, CV and statement of projected expenses.
  • The Secretary-Treasurer for CAMWS and/or his/her assistant recommenders shall affirm the applicant’s eligibility for the scholarship.

Solicitation: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing updated guidelines on the Association website.

Judging: The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winners of the Teacher Training and Travel Awards. The Subcommittee shall establish additional specific criteria to rank the applicants, as necessary, but the guiding principles shall be as follows:
1) the award is designed to support the teaching of Latin, primarily at the secondary level, but current and future teachers of all levels are eligible to apply;
2) the award is both merit- and need-based, and the committee will consider both factors in making its decisions;
3) the committee will give priority to candidates who have not recently received previous Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards. The Subcommittee shall review and agree upon the criteria annually before the date of submission. The Subcommittee shall endeavor to determine the rankings of the applicants by consensus. If there is no consensus, the Subcommittee shall decide by a simple majority vote.

Reports: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of the annual competition to the Executive Committee and the Secretary Treasurer prior to the Association’s annual meeting. The awards shall be presented by the Chair of the Subcommittee or another member delegated by the Chair at the Association’s annual meeting or, when appropriate, at a CAMWS-SS meeting.

IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on October 20, 2014.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the Kraft and CAMWS Teaching Awards (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I.  Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to establish and maintain guidelines for nominations of the Teaching Awards (Kraft and CAMWS); to solicit nominations for the annual competition; and to evaluate submissions and determine the winner.

II.  Membership and Meetings

Composition:  The Subcommittee shall consist of seven regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution. Each member shall serve for a term of three years.  No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.

Chair:  the Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall normally serve for a term of one year, which may be renewed for up to three years, and as a consequence may extend the Chair’s regular term of service on the Committee.

 Meetings:  The business of the Subcommittee will normally be conducted over electronic media.

III.  Duties and Responsibilities

Guidelines: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for establishing guidelines governing the submission of nominations for the Awards.  These guidelines shall be consistent with the following provisions:

The winner of either award (Kraft or CAMWS) must be a member of the Association in good standing.

Applications shall be sent to the Chair of the Subcommittee prior to the published deadlines and shall consist of an application in electronic or paper (to be sent by mail) format by and affirming the applicant’s eligibility for the award.  This includes completion in full of all information requested on the application form and three letters of recommendation.

No previous winner of either award is eligible for a second nomination.

Nominations will be considered for three years and may be updated during the three-year period.

Solicitation:  The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing its guidelines on the Association’s website or wherever else it deems appropriate for the purpose of soliciting nominations for the annual competition.

Judging:  The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winner of the annual award.  The Subcommittee will endeavor to determine the winner by consensus, but in the absence of a consensus will decide the winner by a simple majority vote.

Reports:  The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of the annual competition to Executive Committee and the Secretary Treasurer at least six weeks prior to the Association’s annual meeting.  The award will be presented by the Chair of the Subcommittee or another member delegated by the Chair at the Association’s annual meeting.

 IV.  Amendment

This charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on October 20, 2014.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the Excavation and Field School Awards (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to establish and maintain guidelines for nominations for the CAMWS Excavation and Field School Awards; to solicit nominations for the annual competition; and to evaluate submissions and determine the winner.

II. Membership and Meetings

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of five regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years.  No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.

Chair: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall normally serve for a term of one year, which may be renewed for up to three years, and as a consequence may extend the Chair’s regular term of service on the Committee.

Meetings: The business of the Subcommittee will normally be conducted over electronic media.

III. Duties and Responsibilities

Guidelines: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for establishing guidelines governing the submission of nominations for the Awards.  These guidelines shall be consistent with the following provisions:

  • An individual who wins an Excavation and Field School Award or a Grant Award may not receive another CAMWS travel award in the same year.
  • No winner may hold this award in conjunction with another external award geared specifically and exclusively towards expenses of chosen summer program.
  • The winner of this award shall be a member of the Association in good standing in the year of application.
  • Applications shall be sent to the Chair of the Subcommittee prior to the  published deadline and shall consist of an application in electronic or paper   (to be sent by mail) format by and affirming the applicant’s eligibility for the   award. This includes completion in full of all information requested on the application form and three letters of recommendation. Recommenders should be able to speak to/for the applicant’s scholarly, pedagogical abilities (where applicable) and appropriate fit for attendance and participation at requested  program. One of these letters should be from the director of the field school to which the applicant is applying.

Solicitation: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing its guidelines on the Association’s website or wherever else it deems appropriate for the purpose of soliciting nominations for the annual competition.

Judging: The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winner of the annual award.  The Subcommittee will endeavor to determine the winner by consensus, but in the absence of a consensus will decide the winner by a simple majority vote.

Reports: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of the annual competition to the Executive Committee and the Secretary Treasurer at least six weeks prior to the Association’s annual meeting. The award will be presented by the Chair of the Subcommittee or another member delegated by the Chair at the Association’s annual meeting.

IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee

Adopted by the Executive Committee on September 8, 2015.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the Ladislaus J. Bolchazy Award (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to establish and maintain guidelines for nominations for the Ladislaus J. Bolchazy Award; to solicit nominations for the annual competition; and to evaluate submissions and determine the winner.

II. Membership and Meetings

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of five regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years.  No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.

Chair: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall normally serve for a term of one year, which may be renewed for up to three years, and as a consequence may extend the Chair’s regular term of service on the Committee.

Qualifications: There is an expectation that the Chair and members of the Subcommittee will have a record in teaching or in the scholarship of pedagogy that meets an appropriate standard for judging the award.

Meetings: The business of the Subcommittee will normally be conducted over electronic media.       

III. Duties and Responsibilities

Guidelines: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for establishing guidelines governing the submission of nominations for the Award.  These guidelines shall be consistent with the following provisions:

  • The award shall be for publication of a textbook, handbook, anthology, or other pedagogical work (or the digital equivalent) by a member of the Association in the field of classical studies broadly defined including, but at the Subcommittee’s discretion not limited to, the languages, literatures, history, religions, philosophy, art, architecture, archaeology, economy, and reception of Greek and Roman antiquity.
  • Works intended for a scholarly readership, with exception of works on the scholarship of pedagogy, will not be considered for this award, but, if appropriate, should be submitted to the Subcommittee on the First Book Award.  In cases where the eligibility of a nomination is in doubt, the Chairs of the two Subcommittees shall adjudicate.
  • The author of the nominated work shall be a member of the Association in good standing in the year of the nomination and for at least the previous year.
  • Nominations shall be sent to the Chair of the Subcommittee prior to the published deadline and shall consist of a letter of nomination affirming the author’s eligibility for the award and affirming that copies of the publication will be supplied for each Committee member.
  • Nominations may be made by any publisher or by any member of CAMWS in good standing, including the author.
  • Nominations will be accepted for works that have been published within three years prior to the announcement of the award (e.g., the competition for the 2015 award would include books published in 2012, 2013 and 2014).
  • The Subcommittee may, at its sole discretion, retain an unsuccessful nomination for consideration in the following year.

Solicitation: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing its guidelines on the Association’s website or wherever else it deems appropriate for the purpose of soliciting nominations for the annual competition.

Judging: The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winner of the annual award.  The Subcommittee will endeavor to determine the winner by consensus, but in the absence of a consensus will decide the winner by a simple majority vote.

Reports: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of the annual competition to the Executive Committee and the Secretary Treasurer at least six weeks prior to the Association’s annual meeting.  The Chair of the Subcommittee shall also be responsible for preparing a citation to accompany the award.  The award will be presented by the Chair of the Subcommittee or another member delegated by the Chair at the Association’s annual meeting.

IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 13, 2013.


This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the CAMWS College Greek Exam (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to organize the CAMWS College Greek Exam (the “Exam”).

II. Membership and Meetings

Composition:  The Subcommittee shall consist of five or six regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution.  Each member shall serve for a term of three years.  No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.

Chair:  The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall serve for a term of three years, which cannot be renewed.  Subcommittee members shall be eligible for appointment, provided that they do not exceed two terms consecutively.

Meetings:  The business of the Subcommittee shall normally be conducted over electronic media. The Subcommittee shall meet at the Annual CAMWS meeting.

III. Duties and Responsibilities

The Subcommittee is responsible for the following: 

  • Content of the Exam’s web pages on CAMWS
  • Coordination with the National Greek Exam
  • Drafting and proofing the Exam
  • Prize determination and distribution
  • Promotion of the Exam
  • Public relations
  • Report on the results

IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Approved by the CAMWS Executive Committee on January 13, 2020

Subcommittee on the Anthony Fauci Award in STEM and Classics

This document sets forth the duties and responsibilities and governs the operations of the Subcommittee on the Fauci Award in STEM and Classics (the “Subcommittee”) of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (the “Association”).

I. Purpose

The Subcommittee’s purpose is to establish and maintain guidelines for the CAMWS Fauci Award in STEM and Classics, to solicit applications for the annual competition, and to evaluate submissions and determine the recipient(s) of the award.

II. Membership and Meetings

Composition: The Subcommittee shall consist of at least five regular members appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution. Each member shall usually serve for a term of three years. No member of the Subcommittee shall serve more than two terms consecutively.

Chair: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be appointed in accordance with the Association’s constitution, and shall serve for a term of three years, which can be renewed. Subcommittee members shall be eligible for appointment, provided that they do not exceed two terms consecutively.

Meetings: The business of the Subcommittee shall normally be conducted over electronic media.

III. Duties and Responsibilities

Guidelines: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for establishing guidelines for the award. These guidelines shall be consistent with the following provisions:

  • Undergraduates who are currently enrolled with Junior or Senior standing at universities and colleges in the USA and Canada are eligible for this award.
  • The applicant must be a major in Classics or a STEM discipline and must have significant coursework in the other field (e.g., a Classics major must demonstrate significant coursework in a STEM discipline such as Chemistry; or a Physics major must demonstrate significant coursework in Classics).
  • The strongest candidates will have demonstrated work in Greek and/or Latin.
  • Applications shall be sent to the Chair of the Subcommittee prior to the deadline published on the Association website.
  • Complete applications shall consist of at least an application form, an essay, a university transcript, and letter(s) of recommendation.
  • The recommender(s) shall affirm the applicant’s eligibility for the scholarship and speak to the applicant’s scholarly ability.

Solicitation: The Subcommittee shall be responsible for publishing its guidelines on the Association website and wherever else it deems appropriate for the purpose of soliciting applications for the annual competition. The guidelines shall be published three months in advance of the date of submission.

Judging: The Subcommittee shall act as sole judge in determining the winners of the award. The Subcommittee shall establish the criteria to rank the applicants. The Subcommittee shall review and agree upon the criteria annually before the date of submission. The Subcommittee shall endeavor to determine the rankings of the applicants by consensus. If there is no consensus, the Subcommittee shall decide by a simple majority vote.

Reports: The Chair of the Subcommittee shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of the annual competition to the Executive Committee and the Secretary Treasurer at least two weeks prior to the Association’s annual meeting. The scholarships shall be presented by the Chair of the Subcommittee or another member delegated by the Chair at the Association’s annual meeting.

IV. Amendment

This Charter shall not be amended except upon approval by the Executive Committee.

Approved by the Executive Committee August 4, 2021.

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