Annual Report from the Committee for the Promotion of Latin
Chair: Garrett Jacobsen (Denison University)
April 2020
Current members of CPL
The current members of CPL, in addition to myself as Chair, are Alison Keith (University of Toronto), David Wharton (UNC Greensboro), Robin Anderson (Phoenix Country Day), Lynn LiCalsi (Fairview HS), and Robert Simmons (Monmouth College).
The work of CPL this year, as in the past, was more than ably supported by the guidance and expertise of Tom Sienkewcz and Jevanie Gillen. This year, too, we benefitted greatly from the thoughtful advice of Davina McClain, the incoming Secretary-Treasurer.
Budget 2019-2020 for CPL
As can be seen from the CPL Budget expenditures report below, we granted awards totaling $5,417.00 in the BIG/Caristia categories, nearly spending the entire allocation, while there were only two High School Travel Grants. You should also note there were no applications for the BIG/Caristia grants after early February, no doubt due to concerns and restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Those grants awarded to programs for activities which were cancelled due to COVID-19 will still be available to the programs when the activities do take place.
In relation to CPL’s providing grants for student travel at the secondary level, the committee members were unanimous in their support of naming the secondary school student travel grants in memory of Keely Lake, whose service to CAMWS over the years was wide ranging and notable for her dedication to Classics and her warm and caring demeanor.
Annual Budget for BIG/Caristia 6000.00
Annual Budget for Travel Grant 6000.00
BIG/Caristia Awards
(Date of approval Location/Name Type Amount)
9/3 Wake Forest (Hines) BIG 500.00
9/8 Miss St Univ (Clevenger) BIG 500.00
9/22 Univ Missouri (Schenker) BIG 500.00
10/16 UNCG (Zarecki) BIG 500.00
10/30 NSULA (McClain) Caristia 50.00
11/11 Miss St Univ (Bartera) Caristia 50.00
11/12 Monmouth (Simmons) BIG 500.00
11/12 Marist (Saunders) BIG 500.00
12/3 Master’s Academy (Madden) BIG 200.00
1/23 Thaden School (Sit) Caristia 50.00
1/28 Augustana (Wentzel) BIG 500.00
1/28 Univ Wyoming (De Lozier) BIG 390.00
1/28 Trickum (Vanderpool) BIG 500.00
2/6 Univ Alberta (MacFarlane) BIG 250.00
2/13 White Station HS (LaFon) BIG 250.00
2/13 Wayne State (Ronnick) BIG 177.00
High School Travel Grant
10/31 Oakdale Academy (Stanton) 2000.00
1/30 St. Andrew’s Episcopal (Meyrick-Long) 500.00
Agenda items during 2019-2020
Aside from the usual items related to the approval of awards, the committee discussed expanding CPL to the Committee for the Promotion of Latin and Greek and unanimously approved a proposal for the change, based essentially on the rationale of greater inclusivity and a better reflection of the linguistic foundation of our discipline. The Executive Committee approved the change to CPLG; the final step will be a general membership vote in the future.
Reports from Regional and State VPs reflected the current situation for programs at all levels, generally noting that there are some programs doing quite well, but there are more programs confronting issues related to enrollments and budgets. Examples of such issues included: stagnant growth or loss in CAMWS membership number; communication issues between K-12 faculty and the college/university faculty, as well as the lack of replies to State VPs seeking information about programs; the problematic issues of ACTFL Standards being implemented for Latin and of those programs dependent on state budgets for their continued existence; the overall trend of decreasing enrollments in all languages at the college/university level.
On a brighter note, reports from programs and activities supported by CPL grants were very positive and represented an impressive range of activities, examples include: ‘Classics beyond Whiteness’ (Wake Forest); ‘Classical Scavenger Hunt’ (Master’s Academy); ‘Antigone Project’ (Univ. Wyoming); ‘Classical Week: The Braggart Soldier’ (Mississippi State); ‘Classics Pentathlon Outreach’ (Augustana Univ.).
CPL awarded recognition for Outstanding Promotional activities 2019-20 to Sherri Madden’s ‘Classical Scavenger Hunt’ (Master’s Academy) and Donna Clevenger’s ‘Classical Week: The Braggart Soldier’ (Mississippi State). CPL also designated Outstanding Regional and State VPs 2019-20 as Christopher Craig (Upper South) and Lisa Ellison (North Carolina). The Promotional choices were based on comments made by CPL members in reviewing applications and the reports received from the recipients; the rationale for VP choices were based upon communication and evidence of being proactive.
On a final note, as the new Chair of CPL, I have a new appreciation for the work and efforts of all the members of CAMWS to promote our discipline and to support our organization. The members of CPL this year did due diligence for every request for funding received and consistently offered thoughtful comments on a variety of issues related to the process and reasons for or against approval, and the sage advice of Tom Sienkewicz (whom I assume never sleeps) enabled me to perform my unexpected duties as Chair this year with a modicum of success. My sincere gratitude to all, especially in this year of the unexpected.
Respectfully submitted,
Garrett Jacobsen